How to Buy Camping Equipment

By Ryan Dowd

Buying yourself camping equipment is a serious investment and therefore isn't something that you should take lightly. You will need to consider several things including what type of camping you will do, how durable and long-lasting your gear is going to be, and how big your budget is.
The first thing that you need to consider will be how often you believe you will be camping. If you are only planning on going camping a couple of times each year then it probably isn't worth investing so much money into the equipment you get. However, if you are going to be a regular camper every single month then a little bit more investment can go a long way. You will also need to consider purchasing gear that will be suitable for all seasons.

Decide on the type of gear that you need to purchase and make a list of every item of equipment you need to buy and then set a specific budget for each one. In fact, it may be better to create two lists. The first list should be a necessary list of everything you will require. The second list should consider everything else that you may want, but which may not be necessary.
You should be aware that certain items may need to be replaced on a regular basis. Items that are likely to wear out fairly quickly you should spend less money on. It is not good investing a lot of money if you think that the item is simply going to wear out over a relatively short space of time. Instead, save your investment for the more important and long-lasting items.

When you have your lists then you should have developed a specific budget alongside them. If there is any money left over from your immediate and necessary list then you should use this in order to purchase some of the not so necessary items. Research every single item you require and try to find those that have excellent customer feedback. Read as many reviews as you can and only consider purchasing equipment that is well thought of and is high quality.

Decide where you are going to purchase your items from. Ideally you should be doing this online. Not only will this help you to conduct as much research as you need to on each item, but it will also help you to identify more affordable equipment as well.

If you are interested in camping or fishing check out If you need more information on 
Arizona campgrounds,Georgia campgrounds, or Texas campgrounds check out my websites.

Ground Tent VS Rooftop Tent

By Hristo I.

So you have decided quality holiday time somewhere on a safari in the wild, far away from civilization and you make the preparations considering on the choice between a 4x4 with a ground tent that has to erected next to the vehicle or one with tents mounted on the roof. A few things to consider so you are able to choose wisely.

If speed of putting up a tent matters to you and it's definitelly a thing to consider, be it the risk of arriving late at the designated spot or hit by a sudden rain while you've just arrived, a rooftop tent is obviously an advantage. It will fold open in a matter of seconds while battling with a ground tent in the half dark at the end of the day or getting yourself soaked wet can be a hassle.

The fact that tent interior like blankets, cushions and matresses can remain inside the rooftop tent as you fold it up can save you space inside the vehicle and more space is always nice! Depending on your personality and the people you're with, the rooftop tent with its elevation is able to provide an extra feeling of security. The chances of lizards and ground insects crawling in is non-existant while in a ground tent the possibility always exists.

If the area you're settling at is sandy or dirt-covered, the rooftop tent would prevent those from spreading in as your shoes would loose it while you're climbing up the ladder. Ground tents tend to collect a lot of ground material (one may wonder if that is the true reason they're called like that). Watery zones are of similar risk and ground tent floods are not so rare.

If you're into following wildlife with ease early in the morning or you just want to get going for some reason, that is impossible with a rooftop tent. It takes time to fold it before you can leave while with a ground tent you're good to go - just grab your car and leave. Folding down the rooftop tent properly is quite time consuming mainly because of the usual problems when it comes to securing and tightening the tent. That alone can be tedious and irritating enough to spoil your adventure. No such problems with a ground tent.

When the roads are uneven (and most often they are), the weight of the rooftop tent may easily cause your 4x4 to sway by shifting its center of gravity much higher. As a rule of thumb -- the less gear on your roof the better your safety. Another disadvantage with rooftop tents is the lack of privacy as they're opened right next to each other. You can expect many problems in that direction and your neighbour's snoring is probably the least of all.

As you have probably figured it out on your own, getting up at night and going to the toilet is more difficult in a rooftop tent than with the ground tent. And when the group is bigger the rooftop tents literally bind you all together, so it's not possible for someone to do a different activity like stay behind in camp with the shelter of a tent.

Think well and come up with a plan for the choice of your tent before you dwell into unknown of the open world.

The Basics of Tent Camping

By My camping

Tent camping is an activity my family has been involved in for many years. Our camping trips combine fishing, hiking, and swimming to the regular camp site life of cutting wood, starting a fire, food preparation, cooking, eating, games, and just relaxing. We've made a lot of good memories from our camping trips. We've always gone up in the mountains and found great camping hiking spots either at designated campgrounds that offer water for washing, and some type of restroom (out house or rest-stop type), and garbage cans, or places where there were no creature comforts at all. We always camped by streams, lakes, or rivers during the summer months.
If you intend to have a successful camping experience, planning is important. As a retired Army Airborne Ranger, who has had to live out of a ruck (back pack) for many days, having the right camping gear when you're camping will make the experience that much more enjoyable.

The best camping tents for families are tents that have separate rooms. Since we have two children our tent has three rooms -- my wife and I sleep in a room, the kids sleep in a room, and the entrance room is for dressing and storage. We use a combination of foam and inflatable mattresses. We use rectangular sleeping bags that you can zip together for the wife and I, and the kids have their own individual bags. Bring extra blankets for chilly nights. We also use poncho liners for the kids to use inside their sleeping bags. We've had our tent for over 15 years and average 2-3 camping trips each summer.
We also take a couple of tarps. We use one tarp on the ground under the tent and make it long enough to have about 8 feet in front of the tent door. We take our shoes/boots off outside to keep the inside of the tent as clean as possible. We bring a small folding stool to place outside the tent door to help with putting shoes on. The second tarp is used to cover our kitchen/cooking gear if it rains.

We use two camping stoves - one uses propane (which we mainly use for heating water for hot drinks and washing) and the other is a 2 burner stove and uses fuel, which does not burn as hot. We use this one for cooking bacon, pancakes, eggs, etc. Bring a couple of frying pans, and camping pots/pans - remember to bring a spatula if you're going to cook pancakes or eggs.
We always start a fire in the morning(for warmth) and in the evening, for cooking. Bring a collapsible grate to put over the fire if you plan on laying anything on it to cook or heat up. We make pointed sticks by cutting small branches from nearby trees for the polish dogs or bratwurst - so bring a couple of knives. We cut our own wood from the dead branches and logs you find near the campground. We bring an axe and small saw with a folding blade to get the wood the right size to fit in the fire pit.

Here are the basics of camping gear to bring:

Tent with rain fly, tarp, tent stakes, and hammer

Sleeping gear to include mattresses - inflatable or foam, blankets (poncho liners), and pillows

Cooking/kitchen equipment - camping stoves, folding camping table, frying pans, pots to heat water and cook in, paper plates, bowls, and utensils, napkins, paper towels, wash rags, towels, cutlery, large spoons, tongs, can opener, lighters, tin foil, plastic wash basin, scouring pads, disposable wipes, detergent, plastic storage bags, and trash bags. We pack this in see-though plastic tubs with folding lids. We pack most of our non-cooler food in these types of containers, too.

Fire pit necessities - if you plan on scrounging your own wood from the forest floor - axe, folding saw, gloves, newspaper for fire starting, lighter, a folding grate (campfire tripod), and a folding shovel.

Personal hygiene - soap, wash cloths, towels (dark in color), shampoo and shower shoes (if your campground has a shower), toothpaste, and toilet paper.

Safety equipment - flashlights, lantern, spare batteries, cell phone with car charger, map of the area, first aid kit, compass or GPS, and plenty of drinking water.

These are some of the items you'll need to have an enjoyable camping trip. After your first trip, you'll be able to fine-tune your list. Tent camping takes a lot of prep work, but it is so worth it for the memories you'll always have.

Tent Camping - Make Your Camping Safe

By William F Gabriel

Photo by kokhanchikov
Tent camping can really be a fun and exciting activity for your family or friends. This is not only enjoyable to do during summer season but this is also possible during season. You might be wondering how you can survive settling in the woods when the temperature is significantly low. Well there is a camping device that will help you go through extreme cold weather. Propane heaters during this type of activity are very useful. Though fire is always attributed to danger, but if you observe proper safety precautionary measures, then tent camping can be fun and safe at the same time.
When you engage in any outdoor adventure, all kinds of dangers are expected to occur. You can either get bruised, cut or trip of while you are trekking. Aside from that, improper handling of camping gears like the propane heaters are also hazardous. Hence, if you are with your kids, never show them how you operate or do not allow them to hold it. In this way, you will not tempt them from playing. Usually, children get curious of something new to their eyes. So you better keep an eye on them all the time.
There are also other camping gears that can cause terrible accidents, not just to children, but to adults as well. Knives or any sharp objects can easily give you a cut if you are not careful on handling them. When you pack them make sure that you put them in a place where they are not accessible to kids. And secure that they are wrapped or protected by something that will cover their edges. There are cases when you trip off or accidentally hit them; these are the times when terrible accidents occur. Hence, you should be aware of that.
Breakables and other delicate camping devices must also be stored properly. If you think that you will be going through rough terrains, stay away from bring so many breakables inside your bag. Keep in mind that you will have to walk and climb high areas and thus, tripping off is possible anytime. If you have heavy load in your backpack, it will be difficult for you to balance while walking. So everything should be comfortable and convenient. If you really have to bring these types of camping equipment, just secure that they are properly stored in your rucksack. Or you can put them in another bag wherein all breakables are stored in there.
Tent camping can be dangerous. This is already unavoidable since you will have to travel to the woods. However, if you are totally familiar with the safety precautionary measures, accidents can be prevented or even avoided. Propane heaters, knives and other breakables are some of the things that are hazardous. By securing them in their proper storage, you and your family will be safe in the entire trip. It is best that you anticipate whatever occurrences that may come along the way. Preparing ahead of time will lessen the dangers that await you along the way.

About the author
William F. Gabriel gives practical tips on choosing the right tent camping and propane heaters

What Camping Tents to Buy - 5 Vital Points You Must Remember

By D Coleman

Photo by Rebecca

If you want to spend some quality time with your family, the best way to do it is by taking them to a camping trip. Camping is a fun activity to take pleasure in outdoors and bond with your loved ones especially the kids. By camping with your family, you also get the chance to break free from all the pressures and demands of work and household chores. Hence, a camping trip makes you realize that life is so wonderful that you have to make the most of it.
When you camp, it is very important that you have the proper camping gear with you. There are so many kinds of camping equipment. It is essential that you know what equipment to use for your adventure trip. The most important camping equipment that you must have is the camping tent. Why is it considered to be very important? Well, it is because the tent allows you to hike and have a comfortable hiking trip by means of giving you a relaxing space to sleep. The tent serves as your haven while you are out in the sun. It also provides you with utmost privacy as well as protection when you are camping.
These are just some of the advantages of using a tent. But you need to understand that there are different types of camping tents. They range from ridged, domed and framed structures. Usually the tents that you can see in camp gear shops are focused on full load, size and their sleeping capacity. However, there are other things which you must consider in order to get the ideal tent that is suitable to your needs.  The most important elements that you have to take into account when buying a tent are the number of people it can occupy, the height of the roof and also the privacy. Specifically, there are some vital points that you should check before you buy camping tent.
1. Know your specific needs. You need to set some camping requirements for you to determine the kind of tent that you must buy.
2. Think about the cost of the tent. How much are you willing to spend for the camping tent? Remember that you can always opt for the discount camping tents if you want to stick to your budget.
3. How big is the tent? It is also of the essence to consider the number of people that the tent can hold. There are so many options to choose from. They range from large to lightweight camping tents.
4. Camping tents are designed for different functions. There are tents which are especially made for camping and backpacking; while there are also some which are made ideally for severe types of weather. It is necessary to choose your tent depending on the style and shape that you want for your camping trip.
5. The brand of tent is also one element that you can consider on your hunt for the best camping tent. There are several brands of tents for camping. Some are low-priced while others are expensive. If you want to be sure of the quality, you must go for the high quality brands of camping tents which are quite pricey.

About the author
For more tips and information about camping tents, please check out camping gear

The Secrets To Choosing The Right Camping Supplies

By Rachel Nunez

Camping is the best time to engage in fun activities such as hiking, fishing, bird hunting, boat riding, and others. But these activities are not enjoyable without exceptional camping equipment supplies. In view of that, it is of utmost importance to bring the right camping supplies in your trip. When planning the activities, you need to make sure that you have a basic camping supplies list of what equipment to bring. If outdoor fishing is on your list of activities, then you will need some fishing supplies to carry out the activity. 

Buying on the Net

Different discount camping supplies are available online. When you search for online camping supplies, you will see that there is a lot of camping gear to choose from. Any type of gear can be purchased via the Internet. Some camping supplies retail shops even offer great discounts on selected items online. This means that you can buy the camping supplies that you need at discounted prices. What a great way to buy the perfect gear for your camping excursion. 

To ensure that you will have a pleasurable experience, you will need to create a list of camping supplies that you will need for the outdoor camping activities. Before embarking on the trip, check if you have all the camping equipment that you need. The camping supplies list is important so that you know what other supplies you need to purchase. 

The Benefits

Buying the right supplies for camping is easy. There are plenty of resources online where you can purchase the right camping equipment. Most of these resources offer a wide array of outdoor camping supplies to choose from. Some camping supply websites offer high-quality equipment at prices that are easy on the pocket. No matter what kind of outdoor camping activity you are in, there are camping tools and equipment readily available for you. When choosing for the right camping supplies, you can start your search by looking into various websites that offer a wide display of cheap camping supplies.

Generally, websites that sell family camping supplies showcase different brands and styles of camping products. When you shop online, you can easily buy the camp gear that you like without any hassle at all. Buying online is very convenient because you can make a comparison of the prices of various supplies needed for camping and choose the one that meets you requirements. 

What to Consider

Purchasing the camping supplies online is very simple nowadays. However, we also have to take the necessary precautions when buying. The best thing to do it is to compare the range of the camping products as to the satisfaction that they can give to the user, their quality, sizes, and prices. Ask yourself these important questions. Are they really needed in the trip? Do they suit your taste and lifestyle? Are they of high quality? Do they meet your camping budget? When you already know the answers to these questions, then, that is the time when you can decide on what camping supplies to buy. 

With the complete list of camping gear and supplies, there is no doubt that you will have a successful camping adventure. The wholesale camping supplies are the key to experiencing a camping excursion at its finest. Most of all, always remember to carry only the essentials. Your main purpose here is to enjoy the trip and to take a breather.

Abou the author

For more tips and information about camping supplies, check out

7 Top Camping Safety Tips

By Shari Hearn

No doubt about it, camping can be fun. But, if you don't pay attention to safety, your fun camping outing can turn into the camping trip from Hell. What are some of the most important camping safety tips you should know?
1. Plan Ahead. Do your research. Make sure the campground you've chosen is a safe one. Make sure there are no current fire dangers. Check out the weather. Any health alerts in the area, such as dangerous bacteria count in the water, or outbreak of any rodent-carrying viruses?
2. Pack the Emergency Kit. Be prepared for cuts, bee stings and allergic reactions. Bring antihistamines, antiseptic, bug sprays and insect repellents, pain relievers, bandages, sunscreen and if possible, a snake-bite kit.
An emergency kit should also include the following items: Whistle, flashlight, compass, a small Swiss Army knife, razor blades, tweezers, magnifying glass, sterilized water packets for cleaning wounds, emergency blanket, thermometer, cold pack, and a mirror. A mirror can be helpful when signaling for help. Some people also use a CD. If you can afford them, a pair of night-vision goggles can also be a help in an emergency.
3. Arrive at the Campsite Early. Arriving early, with ample daylight, allows you to examine the entire campsite and set up while there's still light. Be on the lookout for sharp objects, broken glass, huge ant beds, branches, poison ivy, hazardous terrain and bees.
4. Build your Tent on a Safe Spot. Make sure your tent is flame-resistant and keep it at a safe distance from the campfire. Try to pitch your tent on elevated land so it doesn't flood in case of rain. In order to keep the bugs out, make sure you close your tent immediately upon entering and leaving.
5. Go Over Safety Issues with Family Members. Make sure family members are aware of poisonous plants in the area. Be sure the children understand that they should never drink from any stream or river, regardless of how clean it may look. Finally, issue each member of your family a whistle for emergency use only.
6. Be Fire Safe. Make sure there are no current fire restrictions before building any fire, and don't build a fire if there are strong winds. When you do build a fire, keep it in the fire ring, and make sure there are no flammable items near the fire. Do not use heating devices or candles inside the tent.
Never leave your campfire unattended, and keep the area clear of leaves and twigs. Before going to bed, make sure the campfire is property put out by drowning it with water.
7. Be Aware of Wild Animals. Be sure to familiarize yourself and your family with safety concerning wild animals. Wild animals have acute senses of smell. Make sure you keep your campsite clean and free of food or garbage which might attract them. It is best to store all food, garbage and strong-smelling items (such as soap or toothpaste) in bear-resistant containers or your vehicle. Keep your sleeping bag and tent completely free of food and food odors, and set up your cooking and eating area at least 100 yards from your tent. Do not go to sleep in the same clothing you cooked in, as even the cooking smells can attract bears and other wild animals.
While it may seem like attention to safety takes the fun out of camping, in reality it helps ensure that your camping vacation is a fun time for the whole family. And, isn't having fun the point of camping?
About the author
Shari Hearn is a writer and creator of an RV camping website where you can learn about such things asbeach camping parks

8 Simple Camping Tips for the Ultimate Family Camping Fun

By William F. Gabriel

If you and your family are planning on going on a camping vacation, this will probably be keeping the kids up during the night because they cannot contain their excitement. After all, it is not often that you all get to spend a vacation together because of the hectic schedule that you have. Not only that, it is also exciting for them to have close encounters with fascinating creatures that reside in the campgrounds. To ensure the ultimate fun in your family’s camping vacation, here are some simple camping tips to remember.
1. Practice pitching the tents at home
Setting up your outdoor camping tents can be challenging feat if it is your first time to go camping. It would help if you do this at home so you can practice setting it up. It is not advisable that you wait until you’re in the campsite before you start fumbling with the instruction manual.
2. Bring purification tablets
Even if the camp authorities you called tell you that they have safe drinking water available at the campsite, it pays to be doubly sure. Bring purification tablets to make water safe for drinking in case the water appears to be not safe enough for your standard.
3. Save space on luggage
You will only be gone for a few days. Bringing the entire house is not recommended. Bring only the essentials. Save space on luggage by choosing light and practical items such as Coleman camping equipment and those that serve double purpose. Use space-saving containers to hold important items.
4. Fill the cooler with ice
Keep your food safe and your drinks cold by filling up the cooler with ice. So as not to melt easily, place the cooler in a shady area. In the car, don’t place it in the trunk. Place it inside since the heat in the trunk can easily melt the ice. If possible, bring two separate coolers. One is for the food and the other for the drinks.
5. Ask the kids what they want to do
Involve your kids during the planning stage so you hear their ideas and you would know what activities they want to do. This way, you can be sure that they will enjoy the trip just as much as you do.
6. Skip the bonfire
It’s not safe to put up a bonfire. Instead, gather kids around the lantern and tell spooky stories without the fire.
7. Don’t eat inside the tent
Eating inside the tent can attract crumbs. Skip this if you want to have a peaceful slumber at night.
8. Enjoy the vacation to the fullest
Don’t waste your time sleeping the entire day inside the camping tent. Make the most out of the vacation by doing all sorts of exciting and challenging outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, trekking, swimming, boating, wildlife viewing, and bird watching.
A camping trip with your family surely sounds like a lot of fun. Just keep these simple tips in mind so everyone will have a blast.

About the author
For more information about coleman camping equipment, please check out outdoor camping tent

Camping Tips To Help Make Your Camping Adventure Tons Of Fun

By Gray Rollins

The best camping tip you can get is to abide by the Boy Scout motto and “be prepared.” There are all sorts of things that can happen on a camping trip so expect the unexpected. Make lists of items that you should bring and pack all the essential equipment. Take into consideration the area where you will be, any rules for the camping site, weather conditions, safety and fun.
The Campsite
Make sure you have the proper equipment for camping. Know what sleeping arrangements are and where you will be cooking. If you are using a camper or RV, much of this will be supplied in your facilities but you will need to know any rules for the particular campsite. If you are sleeping outdoors, make sure you have tents and sleeping bags as well as warm clothing. Bring waterproof matches for campfires and cooking. Set up tents according to instruction. Always leave your campsite the way you found it. The best rule of thumb is to make sure it looks like you were never there.
Bring only the cooking utensils you will need to prepare meals and eat. You will not have a dishwasher and may not have trash bins available. So, make sure you can easily clean and dispose of food items and waste. Bring lightweight, non perishable and easy to cook and clean food items. Canned foods, trail mix, soups and stews are great nutritional meals that are easy to store and carry.
My favorite way to cook while camping is over the fire, using a tripod and aluminum foil. There are lots of delicious meals you can cook by putting a few ingredients in a piece of foil, sealing it, and cooking it. Cleanup is a breeze. There are no dishes to wash. You just need to properly dispose of the used aluminum foil. Do an Internet search for “campfire recipes” and you’ll get lots of delicious foil/pouch campfire meal ideas. While getting ready for camping, do not forget the water. Make sure you have plenty available to keep hydrated and to cook with.
Plan for the expected weather conditions in the area but do not be surprised if there is a sudden climate change. For summer bring hats for protection, sunscreen and insect repellant. For winter, make sure to dress in layers, wear sunscreen, and have waterproof footwear. Always bring extra clothing in case of a climate change. Even in hot weather it can get very chilly at night. Prepare for rain by ensuring you have shelter, tarps and waterproof attire.
A first aid kit is a required piece of camping equipment. These can be found pre made in pharmacies and outdoor sporting goods stores. Rope, a flashlight and waterproof matches are also important. Having a compass available will help in case you get lost and a whistle can help you call for help even if you are fatigued. If leaving the campsite, make sure you bring food and water supplies.
Bring games and toys, especially if you are traveling with children. A game of Frisbee or football is a fun way to spend an afternoon. Bring your fishing rods and canoes for fun on the water. Do not forget to bring binoculars and a camera for hikes and nature walks. You may want to bring art supplies and books in case of inclement weather. For nature walks, insect and plant guide books are usually lightweight and can help you identify wildlife and items in nature.
Camping can be great fun but you should always prepare for things that may come up. Sudden changes in weather can occur and accidents can happen. Make a list of the supplies you will need and carefully pack for your trip. Being prepared will help ensure you have a great time and stay as safe as possible in all conditions.

About the author
Gray Rollins is a featured writer for To learn more camping tips and camping recipes, visit our site.
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