Top Activities While Camping for a Holiday in UK

By: Camping Ninja

Photo by: lavndrsky7

If you are short on time, you can spend the night at a campsite with friends and head home. But if you are on a holiday in UK and have some days to spare, you should surely club it with a few more activities to make the whole trip a lot more interesting and fun filled. In fact, this is the best way you can use your holiday in the UK to learn something about the land, its woods and the rustic charm. Here are some activities that you can plan while camping.

The main rafting season in UK runs between April and September and this is also the time when a lot of campsites are open for the public. There are plenty of rivers in Wales and Scotland which can give you a great rafting experience during this time. In fact, not only is this a good option for a holiday in UK, it could be a weekend camping getaway for team building. There are a lot of rafting companies who can help with gear, training and the right guides who can be booked online. Safety wear, t-shit, pair of trainers and river sandals are probably what you should keep handy. The rafting companies offer the rest.

Tracking Wildlife
If you love the idea of spending nights in dangerous terrain half expecting to encounter a bear or a wild animal, if you love the noises of the jungle and the sound of the woods, then camping in forests tracking wildlife is as good as it gets. Autumn and winter are the best times for this kind of activity. You will need a guide and some training on identifying animals by tracing their footsteps, reading the scat and the footprints and scratches on trees. There are quite a few forest areas where you can organise camping trips in the wild during holidays in UK.

Climbing Trip
The true fun of a holiday in UK is in the wilderness and the greenery. Make sure you don't enter prohibited areas but as long as you are sticking to the rules, it is far more fun than just staying in a tent in a camping field full of other families. You will need a proper tent and sleeping bag which are thick and modern. It will help you against the cold and yet fold easily enough for a backpack. Most importantly, it will protect you from the cold. Food, water and water purification tablets, boots and frozen dried meals are some of the things you will surely need. There are a lot of mountaineering clubs all across Britain who will pick places based on experience levels of campers and also provide basic guidelines on trekking, hiking and climbing. High altitude equipment, camping equipment for glacial and snowy areas are something only experts can advise you on.

Fishing Camp
You can also go for the good old fishing campsite enjoying a leisurely holiday in UK in places like Warren Park in Hampshire, North Highland lochs, Southern part of Ireland, etc.

About the author

Want to find out more about Camping in and around the UK? Looking for a fun and easy to use tool for finding new campsites and checking out their facilities? Then look no further than CampingNinja

Just looking for a fun and infomative outlook on the camping lifestyle? Then visit the CampingNinja blog

What One Should Consider When Choosing a Camping Destination

By: My Camping Tent

Photo by louuiss

What are your goals for a family camping trip? The goal my family has is to get away, have fun, relax, and make great memories. The entire family should enjoy your camping trips. If a trip does not go well, it is mainly due to the expectations of all the family members not being met. Those planning the trip need to share their expectations with all the family members to include the destination and activities. It's very important that all agree on the destination and most of the planned activities to make the camping trip a success.

One of the keys to choosing a camping destination is to make sure it's age appropriate for your children. The campground should be one where your children will be safe without the constant supervision of the parents. An example could be a campground by a fast-flowing river. If the dad's fear level is less that that of his spouse, there will be tension putting the trip in a bad light from the beginning. I love adventures and think they should be part of the outdoor camping experience. However, these experiences should be appropriate for your family and only you can decide what is best in this regard.

The second factor to consider is what recreational activities are available at the destination you're interested in. If you have teenagers or toddlers, your expectations will be different. Since your goal is to make this a fun experience for everyone, you'll want activities available that your children enjoy so they'll want to keep coming with you. It's a sad day when older children start making excuses for not going with you on family camping trips because they don't think they'll be any fun. As you research camping destinations, check out the recreational opportunities that are available and see what your family would prefer doing. Maybe your children like to fish and participate in other water sports like swimming and boating. Maybe they like to mountain bike or hike trails. If so, find an area that offers trails appropriate for their age and skill level. Of course it's best if you all participate together as a family.

Men, this is important. Make decisions as a family on planning your outdoor camping adventures. The husband and wife especially need to be on the same page, if not, it's fair to say that whichever parent is left out of the planning will be unhappy with one or more aspects of the trip. It's best to get consensus from the family of where to go and what to do once you're there.

About the Author : My Camping Tents

I've been tent camping for over 30 years and as a retired Airborne Ranger, have experience in wilderness survival.  For more information on camping tents and camping hiking gear, please visit us at  We carry a nice selection of camping gear from tents to flashlights at reasonable prices.  Check us out.

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