How To Prepare A Cooking And Clean-Up Kit For Camping

By: My Camping Tents

Photo by Matt Picio

When you're camping you want to be organized to make sure you have everything you'll need for your outing.  One area you'll want a list for is your cooking and clean-up equipment. To make any meal preparation easy it's good to have a cooking and clean-up kit as part of your camping gear. You want to ensure your campsite has the essentials for cooking your campout meals.  Time around the campfire during meal preparation and cooking is a real family bonding experience.  Here are some tips to help you organize your camp kitchen.  A couple of large plastic boxes with fold-over lids from the local Walmart will do nicely to store your cooking and clean-up accessories.

This is what to pack in one box:
Pots and pans that fit inside of each other to save space
A non-stick frying pan
A metal and a plastic spatula/flipper
Cutting board, knife and fork
Can opener
A mixing wisk
Aluminum foil
Eating Utensils - the hard plastic washable kind and of course lots of disposable ones
Lots of cups - the hard plastic washable kind and disposable ones too
Matches and a couple camping lighters
Paper towels and plastic bags (for leftovers and to wrap food in)
Spices (salt, pepper, garlic salt, etc.)
Instant coffee and hot chocolate
Some spare food - like a couple of packages of Macaroni and Cheese and a can of Ravioli, just in case you run out of food or for emergencies
Plates and bowls (hard plastic and paper)

Pack these items in the second box:
Camping gear for cooking over a fire:
Old newspaper
Kindling or fire starters
Campfire tripod or grill to place over the fire
Barbecue cleaning equipment
To keep your campsite clean and your cooking materials sanitary, these clean-up items are essential:
2 buckets (that fit inside each other) or 2 plastic tubs (that fit inside each other) for washing and rinsing dishes
Dish Rags and towels
Scouring pads
Disposable wipes
Plastic storage bags
Trash bags
These are many of the camping gear essential items you might need for your Campsite Cooking and Clean-up Kit. There will be additional items you wish to have, but try to keep your list to essential items only.
Remember to have a list of your essential items so you won't forget anything that could be a show stopper – like forgetting the spatula for your morning pancakes.

My Camping Tents - About the Author:

I've been tent camping for over 35 years and as a retired Airborne Ranger, have experience in wilderness survival. For more information on camping tents and camping hiking gear, please visit us at We carry a nice selection of camping gear from tents to flashlights at reasonable prices. Check us out!

How To Decide On The Right Foods And Cooking Accessories For Camping

By: Gregg Hall

Camping is a great way to get away from stress and get back to nature. Planning what to bring on the trip may seemdifficult because aside from the regular gear that you will need, you also have to consider what type of food to bring and what tools you will need to prepare it. There are ways to make planning your camping menus a lot easier.

What Cooking Tools Do I Need?

There are a few basic tools that every camper should bring with them. One of them is a camp stove, so you will be able to prepare hot meals. There are various kinds to choose from. 

The best kind to get is one that allows you to adjust the heat, so that you will be able to boil, simmer and fry. The next thing that you will need is a good set of cookware. Depending on what you will be cooking, you should be sure to include a pot to boil water in and a fry pan. You will also need to bring a lot of water with you, not only to cook with but also to drink.

What Types of Food Should I Bring?

Since camping may also include a lot of physical activity, such as hiking, boat rowing or swimming, it's important to keep your strength up by eating 3 meals a day. 

Breakfast: Include milk, so that you can have cold cereal in the morning. If you prefer a hot breakfast, brings eggs, since they are a good source of protein and easy to cook. You can either fry them or boil them. 

Lunch: For lunch, you might want to make sandwiches. Instead of bringing a loaf of regular bread that can be easily crushed, consider tortillas or pita bread. Another bonus to bringing this type of bread is that they are flat, so they are easy to pack. If you don't want to bring cold cuts, consider peanut butter as an alternative. It's easy to pack and provides a good source of protein.

Dinner: Dinner will probably be your biggest meal. Some people like to fish when they go camping and plan to eat their catch, while others have to rely on what they bring. Good dinner foods to bring with you are dried beans, cheese, rice or couscous and bouillon cubes. Beans are an excellent source of protein and rice and couscous provide energy giving carbs. You can simmer beans and rice or add extra water and bouillon cubes to make a hearty soup. Bring a small collection of spices with you, like salt, pepper, garlic powder or other spices that you enjoy to season your food with. 

By planning easy meals to prepare on your camping trip, you will be able to eat well while enjoying getting back to nature.

About the author
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as RV Accessories and Camping at 

Eggs Are A Star Of Breakfast Camping Recipes

By: Tom Ambrozewicz

Photo by ed daybeh

Breakfast camping recipes can be as quick and simple as you want, or you can prepare a large feast for your entire family or group of campers. Depending on the type of equipment you have, you can make a quick breakfast sandwich that doesn't even require a campfire, or you can prepare a dutch oven egg bake that can feed six or more people. 

Eggs are a morning favorite, and many breakfast camping recipes include eggs as the main ingredient. Egg breakfasts make a great energy-providing meal that will fuel you throughout your day outdoors. 

Egg breakfast camping recipes are also a great choice for the campground since the number of eggs can easily be altered to feed as many or as few people as you desire. Here are some tips to make your camp cooking breakfast egg dishes as good as they can be.

Add a little water to your eggs when you whip them up, or some milk if you have that available. This will make your eggs extra fluffy.

When scrambling eggs, be sure to stir constantly to avoid burning them. Also, if you are using a dutch oven to bake an egg dish, be careful to monitor thetemperature of the dutch oven and not burn the bottom of the eggs. Burnt eggs will ruin the taste of your entire dish.

Be creative and try your favorite ingredients with your egg dishes. Includingvegetables such as green peppers or mushrooms will make your eggbreakfast healthy and tasty.

To avoid bringing extra cooking equipment with you to the campsite and to skip any timely preparation, whip your eggs before you leave home and store them in a portable container.

Breakfast camping recipes, including egg breakfast dishes, can be found online. Taking a quick peek at some easy breakfast camping recipes before you set out on your camping trip will allow you to have some tasty dishes in mind and ready to prepare on a hungry morning. 

Bringing along the right ingredients, you can prepare an adequate breakfast in just minutes. If you would like to avoid taking with you bulky cooking equipment, try breakfast camping recipes that are simple sandwiches but will still provide you with a warm meal. For example, to prepare a hot breakfast bagel, all you need is some aluminum foil. 

Open up a bagel and add your favorite deli meat, such as smoked turkey. Top with cheese, close the bagel, and wrap in aluminum foil. Placing the wrapped bagel near the campfire will produce a warm

sandwich with melted cheese, perfect for a camping breakfast.

About the author
Tom Ambrozewicz is CEO/President of combines his love for the outdoors to help you with information that will enhance your camping experiences and make your adventures memorable. Check his latest bestseller book at 

4-day Camping Menu Plan

By: Myrtha Chang

Photo by CamperMike

A family camping menu should be:

1. Easy and quick to prepare.
2. Requires only a few ingredients and
3. Those ingredients are easy to store at camp (not prone to spilling, spoiling, space-hogging).

Here is our family's 4-Day Camping menu plan. We have tweaked it over the years and I'm sure you will tweak it some more for your family's style and needs.

4-Day Camping Food Menu Plan

1st Night: Lloyds BBQ Ribs, corn, coleslaw and potato salad

Wrap ribs in heavy-duty foil, heat, open a can of corn and serve with ready-made coleslaw and potato salad. First night is celebration night. You've put up the tent, you've build a campfire, you've unpacked your gear. So kick back and relax. By the way, Costco is my favorite place to get a big tub of potato salad and coleslaw.

DAY 1 ==========
Breakfast: Blueberry Pancakes, sausage and eggs
Lunch: Chili dog and leftover coleslaw/potato salad
Dinner: Grilled marinated steak tips, baked potatoes & camping onions. If no grill: Easy Pork Chops and bread rolls
Dessert: S’mores

DAY 2 ==========
Breakfast: Cereal and fruit, corny cakes
Lunch: Tortellini and tomato sauce
Dinner: Meat loaf sandwich & Italian Wedding Soup (canned)
Dessert: Mini Camping Pies

DAY 3 ==========
Breakfast: French Toast, sausage and eggs
Lunch: Chowder in bread bowl or grill burgers and hot dogs
Dinner: Ham, beans and baked sweet potatoes
Dessert: Peach Mallows

DAY 4 ==========
Breakfast: Pancakes, sausage and eggs
Lunch: Foil-wrapped Surprise (Whatever's left in camp kitchen)

Do we stick religiously to this menu plan? Of course not. But being prepared gives me the freedom to be more creative and flexible.

The recipes are pretty easy to guess. If you need the camping recipes, tips and shortcuts for this 4-day family camping menu, email us at and it will be sent out to you automatically.

The menu does require a camping stove. If you don't own a camping stove, watch our video on the 4 criteria to look for in a camping stove at

Myrtha Chang - About the Author:
For more camping videos: how-to tips, shortcuts, camping recipes and camping gear guides, go to 
JoyOfCamping.TV. Or request our 28-page Easy Camping Recipes book by sending an email to

10 Tips For Camping Cooking

By: Jeff Schuman

Photo by kewlio

Camping cooking can be some of the best cooking there is. With the environment and smells and then add the wonderful taste of food off the fire, nothing is better. There are several different methods that can be used when cooking while camping including with camp stoves, charcoal, wood fires, foil cooking and more. Depending on what you're making and how you like it cooked sometimes decides what method you'll use. There are, however, several camping cooking tips to consider before going out.
Tip 1: Freeze Meat
Freezing the meat ahead of time will keep it fresh and keep other foods cool as well.
Tip 2: Plan ahead of time
Measuring the right amount of ingredients needed for meals ahead of time and putting them in ziplock bags helps ensure a great meal. Also preparing soups and chili and freezing them makes for quick camping cooking to reheat and eat.
Tip 3: Easier cleaning method
To avoid food from sticking to the pans apply oil on the grill. Also, putting liquid soap on the outside of pots and pans before placing them on the fire protects from smoke and fire danger while also providing an easier clean-up.
Tip 4: Keeping matches dry
Many camping cookbook recipes require a fire and there is no better way to start a fire then with matches. One method to help keep the matches dry in case it rains is to place matches in wax and then when needed just scrape the wax off and light the match.
Tip 5: Cooking hamburgers thoroughly
One camping cookbook secret for cooking hamburgers thoroughly is to place a hole in the center of the hamburger the size of your finger. The hole will fill in during the cooking and the center will cook the same as the outside.
Tip 6: Keep food and drinks in separate cooler
Keeping your drinks in a separate cooler from food helps keep foods colder longer avoiding any kind of spoilage.
Tip 7: Cooking on or over coals
Camping cooking can be difficult to make sure you don't overcook or undercook any food. If you cook on or over coals (wood or charcoal), this helps provide a steadier and even heating for the food. This will allow you to control the food better.
Tip 8: Cooking chicken
Camping cookbook secret with chicken is to cook the chicken halfway and then place the sauce of your choice on it. This will prevent the sauce from burning onto the chicken.
Tip 9: Water bottles for containers
Keeping water bottles when you're finished with them are great for camping cooking containers, for instance placing salad dressing, oils, or any other liquid substance.
Tip 10: Too much salt?
Adding too much salt when you're preparing a good camping cooking meal happens to the best of us. You can fix this by peeling a potato and adding the potato, as the potato will absorb the excess salt from the dish.
These are just a few camping cooking tips to consider. There are several more tips like this that are worth checking out, and if you really feel like making some good meals you might consider purchasing a camping cookbook to get the best of your meals.

Jeff Schuman - About the Author:

Easy family camping recipes. Impress everyone with fabulous camping recipes on your next camping trip.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Next Camping Trip

By: Jon Tsourskis

Photo by pixn8tr

So you're ready to venture out and get some time away from the city life. To make the most of your next camping trip, you need to plan, prepare and pack. Just a few tips to help you get the most out of your coveted weekend in the wilderness!
Plan, prepare, and pack
Make sure you take a look at the weather forecast. You can pack your clothes, shoes, food, and fishing supplies—then run it by your fellow campers to make sure you haven't missed anything. When you're in the wilderness, you generally can't run out to the store to make a purchase and online shopping isn't an option.
Create a menu around the times of day people will be available to eat. Make sure you have a few different options, and try to stock up on the necessities to pack a snack for a hike. When returning to camp, you can always cook burgers, hot dogs, or if you're really bold—make a steak dinner for your family and friends! By utilizing items you already have in your home, you can save yourself some cash. Take the ketchup you bought last week, you do not need a special, new one for this trip. Save yourself some money on the food and invest in camping supplies like proper baggage or tents that will keep you safe and sound during even the chilliest night or heaviest rain.
When packing, make sure you're bringing cleaning supplies—a broom and garbage bags will suffice. Make sure you're keeping your camping area clean. If this area is clean, you're sure to make the most out of your next camping trip! Make a rule that no one with dirty shoes can come inside of your sleeping quarters; this will prevent dirt and water from entering this area. It will also help the main cleaner from having to deal with maintaining this area every few hours.
Now that we've got all of the business out of the way, you can also make the most out of your next camping trip by scheduling activities. Many campgrounds have activities from games, to scavenger hunts, to meet and greets with other campers. You could organize your own entertainment by bringing games, or scheduling a historic hike. Make your camping experience fun by utilizing the spaces around you.
By remaining organized and prepared for any given situation, you'll make the most out of your next camping trip. Have some fun, get creative, and utilize all of the great camping accessories that are available today.

Jon Tsourakis - About the Author:
The Camping Equipment Company has designed top of the line family tents since 2000. Providing innovative high quality designs at an affordable price and offering one of the largest selections of family camping tents, screen houses, canopies, hammocks, sleeping bags, self inflating mattresses and many more camping accessories. The Camping Equipment Company caters to all camping enthusiasts. Camping Equipment

10 Fun Things For Kids To Do On A Camping Trip

Photo by gabebrannan

No doubt about it, camping trips are fun. A vacation in the wild outdoors, fresh air, roughing it can be such a fun break from the hectic routine of city life. However, a lot of people think they cannot enjoy or even survive a camping trip because of kids. Children can indeed add enjoyment to anybody’s life, but to be honest, it is really hard to bring kids along on a camping trip. 

Imagine having no television or computers to keep them busy (and quiet). For the average parent, that could spell disaster. But you should not despair, there are many activities in the outdoors that can keep kids entertained during a camping trip. Here are ten of them. 

1. Get Wet And Go Splashing.

More likely, you would be able to find a nice swimming spot. Whether a big lake or a small brook, you are bound to locate a nice body of water to splash around and have wet fun. Swimming amidst nature can be so much more enjoyable than swimming in a man-made pool. Just be sure that the swimming hole you find is safe for people, normally camping parks would tell you which ones are good for dips and which ones are not. Also, be careful about diving and never leave your kids swimming alone. 

2. Bike Together.

Most camping sites have great bike trails. Riding bicycles is very fun when the view is great. It is faster and cooler than just traveling on foot. Make sure to bring a map and plan your trip so that you would not easily get lost. Do not ride too fast, or you might leave each other behind, anyway, you would not be able to enjoy the scenery if you speed so much. 

3. Watch For Birds And Animals.

Most camping sites and forest parks have primers and leaflets about the various animals thriving in their area. You may also bring books about wild animals and see if you could spot them. Try having a contest – the one who spots most kinds of animals wins. See the different animals that come out during the night compare them to those that come out during the day. Just keep your children from a safe distance so that they would not disturb the animals. 

4. Play Games In The Outdoors.

It may be the classic sac race, tug-o-war, or just plain tag. Nothing beats the time-tested games when done in the woods. Just be sure to play games in a clear area to avoid accidents. Also, avoid creating so much noise so that you would not disturb the wildlife. 

5. Organize A Scavenger Hunt.

Kids love to go on quests and adventures. Scavenger hunts can be a great alternative to the role playing games kids play these days, not to mention that it is more physical, allowing your kids to exercise rather than just sit in front of the computer screen all day. Just be warn your kids about the many prickly plants that could be lurking in the woods, such as poison ivy, oak and sumac. 

6. Learn How To Read Maps And Compasses.

The great outdoors is a nice way to teach your children about navigation. Take out your map and compass while exploring the forest. Show your kids where you are in the map and show them where you are heading. This can also be done in conjunction with the scavenger hunt. 

7. Light A Campfire.

Perhaps this is among the most awaited activities during camping. This can be the best way to end the day. Gather around the campfire to sing songs and tell stories (scary ones if you would like). Roast marshmallows and hotdogs. Play riddles and other word games. 

8. Watch The Stars.

This is another night activity that can be both fun and educational. You may just simply lie on the grand and appreciate the free light show in the sky, or you may bring out a star chart and look for famous constellations and other heavenly bodies. Look for shooting stars and make your wish. 

9. Bathe In The Rain.
The weather can be unpredictable in many places, you cannot expect to have clear and sunny skies all the time. But do not pout if the rain does pour. You can have fun playing in the rain and enjoy mother earth’s natural shower. Just be careful not to go out when there is thunder and lightning. 

10. Just Relax And Simply Enjoy The Moment.

You are in the outdoors for only a few times in a year (or even in a lifetime). Enjoy what nature has to offer. Avoid bringing any electronic gadget and simply bask in the quiet of the forest. This is the time to bond and enjoy each other’s company. 

There are hundreds of other activities to do out doors, these ten are just a fraction of the many activities you can do with your kids on a camping trip. The point of it all is to enjoy spending the time together as a family.
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