Camping Lanterns Guide: Backpacking And Camping Lantern Tips.

By: Marc Wiltse

What kind of camping lanterns best fit your outdoor needs? Do you need light weight for backpacking, or is maximum light more important?

Camping lanterns have been around for quite a while, especially fuel lanterns like kerosene and gas lanterns. LED lanterns, rechargeable lanterns or electric lanterns, butane lanterns, propane lanterns, battery lanterns and candle lanterns are newer to the scene though. All of them being different they have advantages and disadvantages...

If you already have a camping stove or other camping equipment that uses fuel consider getting a lantern that uses the same type of fuel so you won't have to remember to bring both fuels and you'll use less space too. Although some dual-fuel Coleman lanterns will burn both white gas or unleaded gasoline (check to be sure).

Camping lanterns that burn fuel can come with either glass globes or metal mesh globes. The advantage to glass is that it lets more light through, but since it's glass it is fragile. Metal mesh globes are much tougher than glass but they do block some of the light.

When you buy a camping lantern make sure to get extra mantles, fuel, bulbs, and/or batteries, it's not much fun needing a lantern part in the middle-of-nowhere and not being able to get it when you need it.

Candle lanterns can be lightweight at 3.7 ounces, but you may not want to use them as a camping lantern as their light output leaves something to be desired at 1 to 1.5 watts. They're pretty much a candle with a protective sheath to help prevent the flame from blowing out in the wind and keep things a little safer by avoiding an open flame. Another drawback... the sheath enclosure also makes it more difficult to roast marshmallows over your lantern. ;-)

I recommend going flameless especially inside your tent. It doesn't take much to start a fire with a high intensity heat source. Falling asleep and tipping your camping lantern over is all it takes to put your life in serious jeopardy. There are a lot of great battery lanterns, LED lanterns and rechargeable lanterns available. Play it smart.

While great LED lanterns put out a good amount of light I haven't found one yet that can match the light output of well-designed flame camping lanterns. If you need a lot of light in a local outdoor area have a look at butane, propane, and gas lanterns. Some of these lanterns crank out up to 235 watts of light! That's more light than most people use to light a room at home. One of the butane lanterns even allows you to focus the light more intensely with reflectors and another is refillable with lighter fluid helping to make it great for...

If you'd like more information on camping lanterns please visit for the whole article. Also you may want to take a look at a related article on how to pick the best camping tent

Marc Wiltse learned how important quality hiking equipment and camping gear were after his tent flooded with 3+ inches of water. His hiking equipment & camping gear guides & reviews save you time & money. Subscribe to his camping & hiking newsletter  & get the most usable info. 

The Importance of Camping Lanterns

By: Morgan Hamilton

Well, how about going on a camping trip? Camping lanterns, tents, knives, food, warm clothes, they are all important points on the list of necessities you should take with you. When camping, there is a great opportunity to spend time in comfortable harmony with nature.
Sleeping in the wild, listening to the sounds of the forest, dreaming of ancient times, all those things can make anyone’s heart beat with delight.

But there are some things, which do not fall exactly in the stereotype of “young nature-lovers gone out for a night of fresh air”. Take the camp itself, for example. Camps cannot be considered as a mere congregation of nature admirers. Of course, they are like that, but there is much more, which is not supposed by the people. Camps need to be carefully settled, so that anything going wrong is avoided. But what would go wrong in that peaceful place of fairies and earth spirits? Well, take the lighting, for example. Inappropriate light can make anyone’svacation turn into a ferocious mess of people, blinded by darkness and don’t knowing where they are. So, camp lantern are something minor, but essential.
What are the strong points of camping lanterns? The first one is that they shed light on the whole affair. Camping in the dark is close to the plot of “Blair Witch”, a few scared people, huddled in the dark, with an extinct fire and no desire to light another one. The second priority is that camping lanterns give you the sense of security, which only keeping a rifle can reach. Lanterns are important because you can SEE what’s going on in the distance: whether a serial killer is coming to get you or just a squirrel is playing in the trees. Having the lantern in you is essential not for just staying alive, but for the sheer pleasure of getting everything recognized.
Going on a camp can be as tedious as a Sunday sermon, when you don’t have the appropriate stuff at your disposal. Blankets, sleeping bags, fire, warm clothes, cell phone, camp lanterns: all these civilization offspring must be with you, because you never know whether you will need something or not. It is better to have something and not need it than to have it not and crave for it desperately. And camping lantern is surely a useful thing to have. I can say for sure that you will never regret taking it with you.


Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning leisure and recreation. Learn more at Camping Lanterns

Camping Lanterns - The Best Lantern to Have

By: Montans Meka

Camping is a fun activity. You get a chance to enjoy nature's great beauty. However during the night, a campfire isn't enough to keep your campground lit. Light is a very vital factor when camping as it illuminates the area and help you see things. To do this, you need camping lanterns. These come in small sizes or large sizes that are very helpful to light up the place. You should always try to get the best lantern which should not spoil your camping.

Most camping lanterns need fuel to make the light. They come with metal mesh globes or glass globes. Glass camping lanterns has the advantage of providing more light since it is transparent, but its downside is that it is easy to break which may not be the best lantern for you. Metal mesh lanterns are quite tougher than its rival type as it is not that easy to break or damage since it is made of metal. Its downside however is that they block some light making the lantern not give out that much light which might not be the best lantern. There are some lanterns which are not fuel powered and require the use of electricity to use. Obviously you don't want to camp beside an electric outlet near a post so you'll have to use batteries or small-sized power generators. These lanterns have light bulbs that use electricity to light up. There are also the candle camping lanterns. They are lightweight and only 3.7 ounces but their light output leaves something that is desired to be 1 to 1.5 watts. They're more like a simple candle that has a protective cover or sheath so that the flame may now go out from the wind blows and it prevents things from burning as it avoids open flames.

When camping, burning lanterns such as fuel utilizing or candle lanterns are recommended only for outside use. They must be placed properly to avoid your camp to get on fire and burn to the ground. They can also be used for roasting marshmallows which is a common camping treat. However, never place lanterns that use fuel to burn or those candle types when inside your tent. Placing them indoors is not recommended as it could cause things to get caught on fire. Use lanterns that use electricity to light up as they have their own unique advantages. First of all, they provide as much light as the other types of lanterns used in camping. They do not use flames to provide light making it safe. And it is easy to replace its batteries and refill its energy so that you can use it more often. Well it all depends on the usage of the lantern to identify which is the best lantern for everyone.

Whether you are planning to camp outdoors or just want to have one, camping lanterns are great things to have with you especially in your car. Remember to choose the best lantern for you.


Learn more about Camping Lanterns and how you can make your outdoor activity great withBest Lantern.
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